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We provide access to quality medical decision-making tools, which helps provide a better quality of life for our veterans and the people we serve. NEO Services equals quality medical laboratory testing services and we are proud to be an American Veteran Company.
ABO Grouping
ABO Grouping and Rho(D) Typing
Acylcarnitine, Quantitative
Adenovirus Group Antibodies, Quantitative
Amebiasis Antibodies
ANA Comprehensive Panel
Antichromatin Antibodies
Anti-dsDNA (Double-Stranded) Antibodies by EIA
Antiglomerular Basement Membrane Antibodies
Antihistone Antibodies
Antimitochondrial Antibody (AMA), Quantitative
Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA)
Antiparietal Cell Antibodies, Quantitative
Antiribosomal P Antibodies
Antiscleroderma – 70 Antibodies
Antiskin Autoantibodies, Quantitative
Antismooth Muscle Antibodies, Quantitative
Antistreptolysin O (ASO) Antibodies
Arylsulfatase A Deficiency
ASH FibroSure
Bartonella DNA PCR
Beta-Galactosidase Deficiency
BK Quantitation DNA PCR (blood)
Bowel Disorders Cascade
Brucella Abortus IGM, IGG, EIA
Candida Antibodies, IgA, IgG, IgM
Celiac Antibody Combo Profile
Celiac Ped Screen w Reflex
Chlamydia Antibodies, IgG
Chlamydia Pneumoniae A PCR
Chlamydia Pneumoniae IgG & IgM
Chlamydia Pneumoniae, IgG, IgM, IgA
Chlamydia trachomatis Ab IgG/M
Chlamydia trachomatis, NAA
Chlamydia, Conjunctiva, NAA
Coccidioides Abs, IgG/IgM, EIA
Coccidioides CF Antibody
Cold Agglutinin Titer, Quantitative
C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Quantitative
Crohn’s IBDX Prognostic Panel
Cryptococcus Antibodies, Quantitative
Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide (CCP) Antibodies, IgA, IgG
Cysticercosis Ab, EIA
Cytomegalovir (CMV) Ab, IgG
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Antibodies, IgG IgM
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Antibodies, IgM, Quantitative
Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Qualitative, PCR
Cytomegalovirus CMV Quant DNA PCR (Plasma)
Cytomegalovirus CMV Quant DNA PCR (Urine)
Echinococcus Ab
Echinococcus Antibody
Endomysial Antibody IgA
Enterovirus PCR (Real Time PCR)
Enzyme Biotinidase Deficiency
Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) Antibodies to Viral Capsid
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Antibodies to Early Antigen,
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Antibodies to Viral Capsid
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Nuclear Antigen, IgG
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Profile, Chronic, Active
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Qualitative, PCR
Fungal Antibodies, Quantitative
Giardia/Cryptosporidium EIA
Gluten Sensitivity Screen
Haemophilus influenzae B, IgG
HBsAb Quant HBIG Assessment
HBsAg Screen
HBV Genotype
HBV Genotype Quantitative
HCV Ab w/Rflx to Alternate Ab
HCV Antibody
HCV Antibody reflex to NAA
HCV Antibody Verification
HCV reflex to Quant RT PCR
HCV RNA by PCR, Qn Rfx Geno
HCV RNA PCR Qn(Graph) Rfx NS5A
HCV RNA PCR Qn(Graph) Rfx NS5B
HCV RNA Qn (Graph) Rfx NS3/4A
HCV RT-PCR, Quant (Graph)
HCV RT-PCR, Quant (Non-Graph)
Hepatic Function Panel (6)
Hepatitis A Antibody, IgM
Hepatitis A Antibody, Total
Hepatitis B Core Antibody, Total
Hepatitis B Surf Ab Quant
Hepatitis B Surface Antibody, Qualitative
Hepatitis B Surface Antibody, Quantitative
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen
Hepatitis B Virus HBV Quant PCR Rfx to Genotype Quantitative
Hepatitis B Virus HBV Quant rfx to Geno + DR Quantitative
Hepatitis B Virus HBV Real-Time PCR, Quant
Hepatitis B Virus HBV RT PCR, Quant (Graph)
Hepatitis Be Antibody
Hepatitis Be Antigen
Hepatitis C Genotype reflex test
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Antibody With Reflex for HCV Antibody Verification
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Genotyping With 1a Subtype Reflex to Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) NS5A Drug Resistance Assay
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Genotyping, Nonreflex
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) NS5A Drug Resistance Assay
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) RNA, Qualitative, NAA
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) RNA, Qualitative, NAA With Reflex to Genotype
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) RNA, Qualitative, NAA With Reflex to Quantitative PCR
Hepatitis C Virus Ab
Hepatitis D Virus (HDV) Total
Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) IgM
Hepatitis Panel (4)
Herpes Simplex Type Specific
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Type 2-Specific Antibodies, IgG
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Type 2-Specific Antibodies, IgG With Reflex to Supplemental Testing
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Types I/II, IgM by EIA
HIV 1/2 by Clearview
HIV 1/2 Supplemental Ab Test
HIV 1/2 Supplemental Ab Test
HIV 1/2 Supplemental Ab Test (1)
HIV GenoSure Integrase
HIV GenoSure(TM) MG
HIV GSArchive
HIV GSArchive Interp
HIV Reflex
HIV-1 Antibody Screen reflex test
HIV-1 RealTime
HIV-1 RNA Qualitative
HIV-2 Antibody Screen reflex test
HIV-2 Immunoblot
HSV 1 AND 2-Specific AB, IGG
Human Gran. Ehrlichiosis (IgG)
Human Herpes Type 6 DNA PCR w/ varia
Human Herpes Type 6, IgM
Human Herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) Antibodies, IgG
Human Herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) Quantitation, DNA PCR
Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 (HIV-1) Antibodies
Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1/2 Ab Differentiation
Human Immunodeficiency Virus 2 (HIV-2) Antibodies
Human T-Cell Lymphotropic Virus I, II (HTLV-I/HTLV-II)
Human T-Cell Lymphotropic Virus I, II (HTLV-I/HTLV-II) Qual
IBD Expanded Panel Enzyme immunoassay
Influenza A Abs, CF
Influenza A and B Antibodies, Quantitative
Influenza A and B by Direct Immunoassay
Influenza A Only by Direct EIA
Influenza B Abs, CF
Lyme Disease Antibodies, Total and IgM, With Reflex to Western Blot on Positive
Lyme Disease, Borrelia burgdorferi, Real-time PCR
Mononucleosis Test, Qualitative
Mononucleosis Test, Qualitative With Reflex to Titer
Mumps Antibodies, IgG
Murine Typhus Antibodies, IgG
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Detection by NAA
Mycoplasma pneumonia DNA PCR
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, NAA
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Total Antibody, IgG and IgM
Parasite ID, Arthropod
Phenylalanine, Quantitative, Plasma
Poliovirus Antibodies
Post-Vas Sperm Evaluation,Qual
Pregnancy Test, Urine
Q Fever Antibodies, IgG
Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) Test With Reflex
Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR), Qualitative
Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR), Qualitative Test
Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR), Quantitation
Respiratory Pathogen Profile, PCR
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Antibodies
Rh Typing
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Factor
Rickettsial Fever Abs
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF), IgG
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF), IgM
Rotavirus, Direct Detection by Immunoassay
RPR, Rfx Qn RPR/Confirm TP
Rubella Antibodies(IgG/M)
Rubella Antibodies, IgG
Rubella Antibodies, IgM
Rubeola Antibodies, IgG
Scabies Examination
Semen Analysis, Basic
Serum Integrated 1
Sjögren’s Antibodies (Anti-SS-A/Anti-SS-B)
Sjogren’s Anti-SS-B
Sjogren’s Anti-SS-B
Smith Antibodies
Soluble Transferrin Receptor
Sperm Count, Total
T Pallidium Ab
T pallidum Screening Cascade
Tay-Sachs Disease, Biochemical, Leukocytes
Tay-Sachs Disease, Biochemical, Serum
Teichoic Acid Antibodies
Thiopurine Methyltransferase (TPMT), Enzyme Activity, Erythrocytes
Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG), IgA
Toxoplasma gondii Antibodies, IgM, Quantitation
Toxoplasma IgG, Reflex IgM
Toxoplasma IgG,Reflex IgM
Treponema Pallidum Antibodies
Treponema pallidum Antibodies (FTA-ABS)
Treponema pallidum IgG ELISA
Trichomonas vaginalis, NAA
Trypanosoma Cruzi Ab IgG
t-Transglutaminase (tTG) IgG
Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) Antibodies, IgG
Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) Antibodies, IgM
VDRL, Cerebrospinal Fluid
West Nile Virus, IgG & IgM (CSF)
Zika Virus IgM (EUA)
Zika Virus NAA Comprehensive
Allergen – Animal Mix
Allergen – IgE Horse Dander
Allergen – IgE Horsefly
Allergen – Latex-Specific IgE
Allergen – Penicillin G
Allergen (1-33)
Allergen (6) Spice Panel
Allergen -ACTH
Allergen -Ampicilloyl
Allergen -Bovine Insulin
Allergen -Cefaclor
Allergen -Gelatin
Allergen -Human Insulin
Allergen -IgE Basil
Allergen -IgE Formaldehyde
Allergen -Insulin Porcine
Allergen Milk w/Component Reflex
Allergen Panel, Aeroallergen Panel
Allergen Panel, Food Panel
Allergen Panel, Food-Berry
Allergen Peanut w/Component Reflex
Allergen Pediatric 0 – 3 Years
Allergen Pediatric 6 Yrs Plus
Allergen -Penicillin V
Allergen- Penicilloyl G
Allergen- Penicilloyl V
Allergen Profile, Birch Plus
Allergen Profile, Food-Basic
Allergen Profile, Food-Citrus
Allergen Profile, Food-Fish
Allergen Profile, Mini-Panel
Allergen Profile, Mold
Allergen Profile, Mugwort Plus
Allergen Profile, Perennial Allergen
Allergen Profile, Ragweed Plus
Allergen Profile, Regional Allergen Zone 13
Allergen Profile, Regional Allergen Zone 16
Allergen Profile, Regional Allergen Zone 17
Allergen Profile, Regional Allergen Zone 19
Allergen Profile, Regional Allergen Zone 2
Allergen Profile, Regional Allergen Zone 7
Allergen Profile, Regional Allergen Zone 8
Allergen Profile, Seasonal Allergen, Fall – Weed
Allergen Profile, Seasonal Allergen, Spring – Tree
Allergen Profile, Seasonal Allergen, Summer – Grass
Allergen Profile, Shellfish
Allergen Profile, Vegetable I
Allergen Profile, Vegetable II
Allergen -Suxamethonium
AllergenEgg White w/Component Rflx
Allergen-IgE Acacia Gum
Allergen-IgE Acarus Mite
Allergen-IgE Acremonium kiliense
Allergen-IgE Alder, Grey
Allergen-IgE Alfalfa
Allergen-IgE Allspice
AllergenIgE Almond
Allergen-IgE Alternaria alternata
Allergen-IgE Anchovy
Allergen-IgE Aniseed
Allergen-IgE Apple
Allergen-IgE Apricot
Allergen-IgE Ascaris
Allergen-IgE Ash, White
Allergen-IgE Asparagus
Allergen-IgE Aspergillus fumigatus
Allergen-IgE Aspergillus niger
Allergen-IgE Aureobasidi pullulans
Allergen-IgE Avocado
Allergen-IgE Bahia Grass
Allergen-IgE Banana
Allergen-IgE Barley
Allergen-IgE Bayleaf (Laurel)
Allergen-IgE Beech (American)
Allergen-IgE Beef
Allergen-IgE Bermuda Grass
Allergen-IgE Beta Lactoglobulin
Allergen-IgE Bing Cherry
Allergen-IgE Bipolaris
Allergen-IgE Black Pepper
Allergen-IgE Blackberry
Allergen-IgE Blueberry
Allergen-IgE Bluegrass, Kentucky
Allergen-IgE Boiled Milk
Allergen-IgE Brazil Nut
Allergen-IgE Broccoli
Allergen-IgE Brome, Smooth
Allergen-IgE Brussel Sprouts
Allergen-IgE Buckweat
Allergen-IgE Budgerigar Droppings
Allergen-IgE Budgerigar Feather
Allergen-IgE Bumblebee
Allergen-IgE Cabbage
Allergen-IgE Canary Feathers
Allergen-IgE Candida albican
Allergen-IgE Careless Weed
Allergen-IgE Carmine Red Dye
Allergen-IgE Carob Bean
Allergen-IgE Carrot
Allergen-IgE Casein
Allergen-IgE Cashew Nut
Allergen-IgE Castor Bean
Allergen-IgE Cat Dander
Allergen-IgE Catfish
Allergen-IgE Cauliflower
Allergen-IgE Cedar, Mountain
Allergen-IgE Cedar, Red
Allergen-IgE Celery
Allergen-IgE Chaetomium globosum
Allergen-IgE Cheese, Cheddar Type
Allergen-IgE Cheese, Mold Type
Allergen-IgE Chick Pea
Allergen-IgE Chicken
Allergen-IgE Chicken Feathers
Allergen-IgE Chili Pepper
Allergen-IgE Chocolate/Cacao
Allergen-IgE Cinnamon
Allergen-IgE Cladosporium herbarum
Allergen-IgE Clam
Allergen-IgE Cloves
Allergen-IgE Cocklebur
Allergen-IgE Cockroach, American
Allergen-IgE Cockroach, German
Allergen-IgE Coconut
Allergen-IgE Codfish
Allergen-IgE Coffee
Allergen-IgE Common Silver Birch
Allergen-IgE Coriander/Cilantro
Allergen-IgE Corn
Allergen-IgE Corn, Cultivated
Allergen-IgE Cottonseed
Allergen-IgE Cottonwood
Allergen-IgE Cow Dander
Allergen-IgE Crab
Allergen-IgE Cranberry
Allergen-IgE Crayfish Freshwater
Allergen-IgE Cucumber
Allergen-IgE Cumin
Allergen-IgE Curry Powder
Allergen-IgE Curvularia lunata
Allergen-IgE D farinae
Allergen-IgE D pteronyssinus
Allergen-IgE Dandelion
Allergen-IgE Date
Allergen-IgE Deer Epithelium
Allergen-IgE Dill
Allergen-IgE Dockweed, Yellow
Allergen-IgE Dog Dander
Allergen-IgE Duck Feathers
Allergen-IgE Echinococcus
Allergen-IgE Egg (Yolk)
Allergen-IgE Egg White
Allergen-IgE Egg, Whole
Allergen-IgE Eggplant
Allergen-IgE Elm Cedar
Allergen-IgE Elm, American
Allergen-IgE Elm, Chinese
Allergen-IgE Epicoccum purpur
Allergen-IgE Ethylene Oxide
Allergen-IgE Ethylene Oxide
Allergen-IgE Eucalyptus
Allergen-IgE Feather Mix
Allergen-IgE Feathers, Finch
Allergen-IgE Fennel, Dog
Allergen-IgE Fennel, Fresh
Allergen-IgE Fescue, Meadow
Allergen-IgE Ficus
Allergen-IgE Filbert
Allergen-IgE Fir, Douglas
Allergen-IgE Fire Ant (Invicta)
Allergen-IgE Flounder
Allergen-IgE Food Mix
Allergen-IgE Food Mix (Nuts)
Allergen-IgE Food Mix (Seafoods)
Allergen-IgE Food Mix Nuts 2
Allergen-IgE Foxtail, Meadow
Allergen-IgE Fusarium monilif
Allergen-IgE Garlic
Allergen-IgE Gerbil Epithelium
Allergen-IgE Ginger
Allergen-IgE Gluten
Allergen-IgE Goat Epithelia
Allergen-IgE Goats Milk
Allergen-IgE Goldenrod
Allergen-IgE Goose Feathers
Allergen-IgE Grape
Allergen-IgE Grapefruit
Allergen-IgE Grass Pollen Mix
Allergen-IgE Grass Screen
Allergen-IgE Green Bean
Allergen-IgE Green Bell Pepper
Allergen-IgE Green Pea
Allergen-IgE Guinea Pig Epithelium
Allergen-IgE Haddock
Allergen-IgE Halibut
Allergen-IgE Hazelnut Tree
Allergen-IgE Hickory, White
Allergen-IgE Honey
Allergen-IgE Honeybee
Allergen-IgE Hop (Food)
Allergen-IgE Hop-Hornsbeam
Allergen-IgE Hornet, White Face
Allergen-IgE Hornet, Yellow
Allergen-IgE House Dust Hollister
Allergen-IgE House Dust Mix
Allergen-IgE House Dust(Greer)
Allergen-IgE Johnson Grass
Allergen-IgE Kidney Bean
Allergen-IgE Kiwi Fruit
Allergen-IgE Kochia
Allergen-IgE Lamb
Allergen-IgE Lamb’s Quarters
Allergen-IgE Latex
Allergen-IgE Lemon
Allergen-IgE Lentil
Allergen-IgE Lettuce
Allergen-IgE Lima Bean
AllergenIgE Lime
Allergen-IgE Linseed
Allergen-IgE Lobster
Allergen-IgE Macadamia Nut
Allergen-IgE Mackerel
Allergen-IgE Malt
Allergen-IgE Mango
Allergen-IgE Maple Leaf Sycamore
Allergen-IgE Maple/Box Elder
Allergen-IgE Melon
Allergen-IgE Mesquite
AllergenIgE Midge
Allergen-IgE Milk
Allergen-IgE Mimosa/Acacia
Allergen-IgE Mint
Allergen-IgE Mold Mix 1
Allergen-IgE Moth
Allergen-IgE Mouse Epithelium
Allergen-IgE Mouse Urine
Allergen-IgE Mucor racemosus
Allergen-IgE Mugwort
Allergen-IgE Mushroom
Allergen-IgE Mussel
Allergen-IgE Mustard
Allergen-IgE Nettle
Allergen-IgE Nutmeg
Allergen-IgE Oak, White
Allergen-IgE Oat
Allergen-IgE Olive Tree
Allergen-IgE Olive, Black
Allergen-IgE Onion
Allergen-IgE Orange
Allergen-IgE Orchard Grass
Allergen-IgE Oregano
Allergen-IgE Ovalbumin
Allergen-IgE Ovomucoid
Allergen-IgE Oyster
Allergen-IgE Palm, Queen
Allergen-IgE Papaya Food
Allergen-IgE Paper Wasp
Allergen-IgE Paprika
Allergen-IgE Parsley
Allergen-IgE Peach
Allergen-IgE Peanut
Allergen-IgE Pecan Nut
Allergen-IgE Pecan, Hickory
Allergen-IgE Penicillium chrysogen
Allergen-IgE Pepper Tree
Allergen-IgE Phoma betae
Allergen-IgE Pigeon Droppings
Allergen-IgE Pigeon Feathers
Allergen-IgE Pigweed, Rough
Allergen-IgE Pine Nut, Pignoles
Allergen-IgE Pine, Australian
Allergen-IgE Pine, White
Allergen-IgE Pineapple
Allergen-IgE Pistachio Nut
Allergen-IgE Plantain, English
Allergen-IgE Plum
Allergen-IgE Poppy Seed
Allergen-IgE Pork
Allergen-IgE Potato, White
Allergen-IgE Privet, Common
Allergen-IgE Pumpkin
Allergen-IgE Rabbit Epithelia
Allergen-IgE Rabbit Meat
Allergen-IgE Ragweed, False
Allergen-IgE Ragweed, Giant
Allergen-IgE Ragweed, Short
Allergen-IgE Ragweed, Western
Allergen-IgE Raspberry
Allergen-IgE Rat Epith/Protein
Allergen-IgE Rat Epithelia
Allergen-IgE Rat Serum
Allergen-IgE Rat Urine
Allergen-IgE Red Beet
Allergen-IgE Red Snapper
Allergen-IgE Red Top, Bentgrass
Allergen-IgE Rhizopus nigricans
Allergen-IgE Rice
Allergen-IgE Rough Marshelder
Allergen-IgE Rye
Allergen-IgE Rye Grass
Allergen-IgE Rye Grass, Perennial
Allergen-IgE Sage, Salvia
Allergen-IgE Salmon
Allergen-IgE Salt Grass
Allergen-IgE Sardine
Allergen-IgE Scallop
Allergen-IgE Sesame Seed
Allergen-IgE Setomelanomma rostrat
Allergen-IgE Sheep Epithelia
Allergen-IgE Sheep Sorrel
Allergen-IgE Shrimp
Allergen-IgE Sole
Allergen-IgE Soybean
Allergen-IgE Spinach
Allergen-IgE Squid
Allergen-IgE Stachybotrys atra
Allergen-IgE Stemphylium herbarum
Allergen-IgE Strawberry
Allergen-IgE Sunflower Seed
Allergen-IgE Sweet Chestnut
Allergen-IgE Sweet Gum
Allergen-IgE Sweet Potato
Allergen-IgE Sweet Vernal
Allergen-IgE Swordfish
Allergen-IgE Tangerine
Allergen-IgE Tea
Allergen-IgE Thistle, Russian
Allergen-IgE Thyme
Allergen-IgE Tilapia
Allergen-IgE Tilletia Tritici
Allergen-IgE Timothy Grass
Allergen-IgE Tobacco Dust
Allergen-IgE Tomato
Allergen-IgE Trichophyton mentagro
Allergen-IgE Trout
Allergen-IgE Tuna
Allergen-IgE Turkey
Allergen-IgE Turkey Feathers
Allergen-IgE Vanilla
Allergen-IgE Wall Pellitory
Allergen-IgE Walnut
Allergen-IgE Walnut
Allergen-IgE Watermelon
Allergen-IgE Wheat
Allergen-IgE Wheat, Cultivated
Allergen-IgE Whey
Allergen-IgE White Bean
Allergen-IgE White Mulberry
Allergen-IgE Whitefish
Allergen-IgE Whole Body: Mosquito
Allergen-IgE Willow
Allergen-IgE Wormwood
Allergen-IgE Yeast
Allergen-IgE Yellow Wasp
Allergen-IgG Alternaria alternata
Allergen-IgG Asparagus
Allergen-IgG Banana
Allergen-IgG Beef
Allergen-IgG Casein
Allergen-IgG Chicken
Allergen-IgG Egg, Whole
Allergen-IgG Latex
AllergenIgG Lettuce
Allergen-IgG Melon
Allergen-IgG Peanut
Allergen-IgG Penicillium chrysogen
Allergen-IgG Tomato
Allergen-IgG Tuna
Allergen-IgG Wheat
IgE + Allergens (10)
IgG Allergens(24) Foods
IgG Allergens(36) Environmental Inhalents
PANEL Allergens(5)
11-Dehydro Thromboxane B2
5´ Nucleotidase
α1-Antitrypsin Deficiency Profile
α1-Antitrypsin Phenotyping
α2-Macroglobulin, Quantitative
α-Subunit, Free
Actin (Smooth Muscle) Antibody
AFP with AFP-L3%
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT)
Alkaline Phosphatase
Alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein
Aminolevulinic Acid, Delta, 24-Hour Urine
Aminolevulinic Acid, Delta, Random Urine
Ammonia, Plasma
Anemia Profile A CBC w/ diff & platelet count
Anemia Profile B CBC w/ diff & platelet count
Angiotensin II
Anti-Annexin V IgG,IgM
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) Profile
Apolipoprotein A-1
Apolipoprotein Assessment
Apolipoprotein B
Aspartate Aminotransferase
Beta-2 Microglobulin, Serum
Beta-2 Microglobulin, Urine
Bile Acids
Bile Acids, Fractionated LCMS
Bilirubin Fraction, Neonatal
Bilirubin, Direct
Bilirubin, Total
Bilirubin, Total/Direct, Serum
Bone-Specific Alkaline Phosphatase
Breast Cancer Monitor Profile II
B-Type Natriuretic Peptide
C Peptide, Ultrasensitive, ES
CAH Pediatric Profile 7: Treatment Profile
Calcium, 24Hr Urine
Calcium, 24Hr, Ur w/Creatinine
Calcium, Ionized, Serum
Calcium, Serum
Calcium, Urine
Calculi, Urinary Quant
Calculi, Urinary, With Photograph
Calprotectin, Fecal Quantitative
Carbohydrate-deficient Transferrin (CDT), Adult
Carbon Dioxide, Total
Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA)
Carotene, Beta
Catecholamine Test Group, Urine
Catecholamines, Fractionate
Catecholamines, Fractionated, Urine
Catecholamines, Total, Urine
Chloride, 24Hr,Ur w/Creatinine
Chloride, Body Fluid
Chloride, Cerebrospinal Fluid
Chloride, Fecal
Chloride, Serum
Chloride, Urine
Cholesterol, Total
Cholinesterase, Plasma
Cholinesterase, RBC
Cholinesterase, Serum
Cholinesterase, Serum and RBC
Citric Acid (Citrate), Urine
Citric Acid(Citrate), Random U
Clonidine Suppression (3-Hour)
Coenzyme Q10, Total
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (12)
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (14)
Cortisol Dexamethasone Reflex
C-Peptide, Serum
C-Peptide, Urine
C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Cardiac
Creat U+Aldo U
Creatine and Creatinine, 24-Hour Urine
Creatine Kinase (CK) Isoenzymes, Serum
Creatine Kinase (CK), MB
Creatine Kinase (CK), MB and Total CK total:
Creatine Kinase (CK), Total, Serum
Creatine, 24-Hour Urine
Creatine, Serum
Creatinine Clearance
Creatinine Clearance
Creatinine Plus, Serum
Creatinine U+Citric Acid U
Creatinine, 24-Hour Urine
Creatinine, Body Fluid
Creatinine, Random Urine
Creatinine, Serum
Cryofibrinogen, Qualitative
Cryoglobulin, Qualitative, Serum
C-Telopeptide, Serum
Cyclic AMP, Plasma
Cyclic AMP, Urine
Cystatin C
Deoxypyridinoline (Dpd) Cross-Links (Serial Monitor)
Des gamma carboxy Prothrombin
Dexamethasone Suppression 8AM
Dibucaine Number Cholinesterase
Dibucaine Number w/ Plasma & RBC Cholinesterase Cholinesterase
Dibucaine Number With Serum and RBC Cholinesterase
Erythropoietin (EPO)
Fats, Neutral
Fatty Acids, Free (Nonester)
Fecal Fat and Muscle Fibers, Qualitative
Fecal Fat, Qualitative
Fecal Fat, Quantitative
Fecal Reducing Substances
Folate, RBC
Folate, RBC and Serum Folates:
Free + Total PSA
Free Estradiol with SHBG
Free K+L Lt Chains,Qn,S
Free K+L Lt Chains,Qn,S Serial
Free Kappa Lt Chains,S
Fructose, Semen Analysis
G-6-PD, Quant, Blood and Hgb
Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GGT)
Ganglioside GM1 Antibody IgG, IgM
Gastrin, Serum
Gestational 2 hour GTT
Gestational Diabetes Evaluation
Gestational Glucose Tolerance (Diagnostic)
Glom Filt Rate, Estimated
Glucose (2 Spec) Tolerance
Glucose 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G-6-PD)
Glucose Tolerance (3 Sp Blood)
Glucose Tolerance (4 Sp Blood)
Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT), Blood, 5 Specimens
Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT), Blood/Urine, 5 Specimens
Glucose, 2-Hour Postprandial
Glucose, Body Fluid
Glucose, Cerebrospinal Fluid
Glucose, Plasma
Glucose, Quantitative, Urine
Glucose, Serum
Glycohemoglobin (GHB), Total
Hb A1c+GlycoMark(R)(1,5 AG)
Hemoglobin (Hgb) A1c
Hemoglobin (Hgb) A1c With MBG
Hemoglobin (Hgb) A2, Quantitative
Hemoglobin (Hgb) Fractionation, Spot Blood
Hemoglobin (Hgb), Fetal, Quantitation
Hemoglobin Frac.w/o Solubility
Hemosiderin, Urine
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Risk
HER-2/neu, Quantitative by ELISA
High Molecular Weight Kininogen Automated (LIATEST)
High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDLC)
Homocyst(e)ine, Plasma or Serum
Human Antimouse Antibodies
IgA Heavy Light Chains(HLC), S
IgG Heavy Light Chains(HLC), S
IgM Heavy Light Chains(HLC), S
Immunofixation (IFE), Serum
Inhibin B
Insulin (2 Specimens)
Insulin and C-Peptide, Serum
Insulin, 1 hour (60 min)
Insulin, Free and Total, Serum
Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein 3
Iron and Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC)
Iron, Serum
Kidney Stone Evaluation I
Kidney Stone Profile
Kidney Stone Retest, Limited
Kidney Stone Risk w/o Review
Kidney Stone Urine Test Combination With Saturation
Kidney Stone, Comprehensive
KS Limited Retest w/o Review
Lactic Acid
Lactic Acid Dehydrogenase (LD)
Lactic Acid Dehydrogenase (LD), Body Fluid
Lactic Acid, CSF
Lactoferrin, Fecal, Quant.
Lactose Tolerance Test
LD Isoenzymes
LD Isoenzymes w/Interpretation
LDL Cholesterol (Direct)
Leukemia/Lymphoma Monitor Profile
Lipase, Serum
Lipase, Urine
Lipid Panel
Lipid-Associated Sialic Acid (LASA)
Lipoprotein (a)
Lipoprotein Phenotyping
Lipoprotein-Associated Phospholipase A2 Activity
Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (Direct)
Lysosomal Acid Lipase Def
Lysozyme, Serum
Magnesium, Serum
Menorrhagia Profile
Metabolic Syndrome Profile
Microalb/Creat Ratio, Timed Ur
Microalbumin, 24-Hour Urine
Microalbumin, Timed Urine
Microalbumin/Creatinine Ratio, Random Urine
Mineralocorticoid Pediatric Profile
Mitochondrial (M2) Antibody
Muscle Fiber, Stool
Myelin Basic Protein, CSF
Myoglobin, Quantitative, Urine
Myoglobin, Serum
Neuron-Specific Enolase (NSE), Serum
N-Telopeptide Cross-Links (NTX) (Serial Monitor)
N-Telopeptide, Serum
N-Telopeptide, Urine
Oligoclonal Banding
Osmolality, Body Fluid
Osmolality, Serum
Osmolality, Urine
Osteocalcin, Serum
Ovarian Cancer Monitor Profile III
Ovarian Function Profile II
Oxalate, 24Hr Urine/Creatinine
Oxalate, Quantitative, 24-Hour Urine
Oxalate/Creat Ratio, Random U
Pancreatic Amylase, S
Pancreatic Elastase, Fecal
Pancreatic Polypeptide
pH + Reducing Substance,Stool
pH, Body Fluid
pH, Stool
pH, Urine
Phosphatidylglycerol (PG), Amniotic Fluid
Phospholipids, Serum
Phosphorus, Random Urine
Phosphorus, Serum
Porphobilinogen (PBG), Quantitative, 24-Hour Urine
Porphobilinogen (PBG), Quantitative, Random Urine
Porphyrins, Qn, 24 Hr Ur.
Porphyrins, Quantitative, Urine
Porphyrins, Urine
Post VAS Semen Analysis, AUA
Postpartum 75-Gram Glucose Tolerance
Potassium (Fluid)
Potassium, 24 hr Urine
Potassium, Fecal
Potassium, Heparin Plasma
Potassium, Serum
Potassium, Urine
Pregnenolone, Mass Spectrometry
Premature Adrenarche Profile I
Propeptide Type I Collagen
Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA), Free/Total Ratio
Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA), Serum
Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA), Ultrasensitive
Prostatic Acid Phosphatase (PAP), Serum by EIA
Protein Electrophoresis, 24-Hour Urine
Protein Electrophoresis, Body Fluid Electrophoresis on agarose media
Protein Electrophoresis, Cerebrospinal Fluid
Protein Electrophoresis, Random Urine
Protein, Total, Body Fluid
Protein, Total, Quantitative, 24-Hour Urine
Protein, Total, Serum
Prothrombin Fragment 1+2
PSA Reflex
PSA Total+% Free
PSA, Complexed
PTH, Intact
Pyruvic Acid, Blood
Retinol-binding Protein (RbP)
Serotonin Release Assay
Serotonin, Serum
Serotonin, Whole Blood
Sodium (Fluid)
Sodium Fractional Excretion
Sodium, 24 hr Urine
Sodium, Chloride & Potassium, Urine
Sodium, Dialysate
Sodium, Fecal
Sodium, Serum
Sodium, Urine
Stone Risk Profile (24 hr. Urine)
Strongyloides IgG Antibody
Sulfate, Quantitative, 24-Hour Urine
Transferrin Saturation
Triglycerides, Fluid
Troponin I
Troponin T
Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha
Urea Nitrogen (Body Fluid)
Urea Nitrogen and Creatinine Profile, 24-Hour Urine
Urea Nitrogen Clearance
Urea Nitrogen, 24-Hour Urine
Urea Nitrogen, Serum
Urea Nitrogen, Urine
Uric Acid, 24 hr Urine
Uric Acid, Body Fluid
Uric Acid, Serum
Uric Acid, Urine
Vanillylmandelic Acid (VMA), Urine
Very Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL) (Includes Triglycerides)
Viscosity, Body Fluid
Viscosity, Serum
Vitamin A and Carotene
Vitamin A and E
Vitamin A, E, and Beta Carotene Profile
Vitamin A, Serum
Vitamin B1, Plasma
Vitamin B1, Whole Blood
Vitamin B2, Whole Blood
Vitamin B6, Plasma
Vitamin C
Vitamin E, Serum
Vitamin K1
Walker-Warburg Syndrome
Xylose Tolerance Test (Fasting + One-hour Blood + Five-hour Urine−Pediatric)
Xylose Tolerance Test (Fasting + One-hour Blood w/o Five-hour Urine−Pediatric)
Xylose Tolerance Test (Fasting + Two-hour Blood + Five-hour Urine−Adult)
Xylose Tolerance Test (Fasting + Two-hour Blood w/o Five-hour Urine−Adult)
Xylose Tolerance Test (Fasting, One-, Two-, Three-, Four-, & Five-hour Blood + Five-hour Urine)
Xylose Tolerance Test (Fasting, One-, Two-, Three-, Four-, & Five-hour Blood w/o Five-hour Urine)
Xylose, Plasma
6-Acetylmorphine, 24-hour, Urine
Acetaminophen (Tylenol), Serum
Acetyl Fentanyl
Alprazolam (Xanax), Serum/Plasma
Amikacin, Peak
Amino Acid Profile, Quantitative, Plasma
Amiodarone (Cordarone®), Serum
Amitriptyline, Serum or plasma
Amphetamines, Presumptive Drug Screen, Urine
Antihistamine Presumptive Drug Screen
Antimony, Urine
Antipsychotic Drug Screen, Ur
Aromatic Solvents, Blood
Arsenic Exposure Profile, Urine
Atenolol (Tenormin)
Baclofen (Lioresal)
Barbiturates, Presumptive Drug Screen, Urine
Benzene Metabolite Profile, Urine
Benzene Standard Profile
Benzene, Blood
Benzodiazepines, Presumptive Drug Screen, Urine
Benztropine (Cogentin)
Beryllium, Blood
Beryllium, Serum or Plasma
Bismuth, Blood
Bismuth, Urine
Buprenorphine Confirm, Urine
Buprenorphine, Presumptive Drug Screen, Urine
Bupropion (Wellbutrin) Serum/Plasma
Buspirone (Buspar)
Cadmium Standard Profile
Cadmium, Blood
Cadmium, Urine
Caffeine, Screen and Confirmation
Cannabinoid (THC), Presumptive Drug Screen, Urine
Carbamazepine + Carbamazepine – 10,11 Epoxide Serum or plasma
Carbamazepine, Free, Serum or Plasma
Carbamazepine, Serum or Plasma
Carbon Monoxide, Blood
Carisoprodol (Soma®, Soridol®), Serum
Carisoprodol/Meprobamate, Presumptive Drug Screen, Urine
Carnitine, Total and Free
Catecholamines, Fractionated, Urinary Free
Catecholamines, Fractionated, Urinary Free and Total
Catecholamines, Fractionated, Urinary Free, 24-Hour
Chloramphenicol , Serum or plasma
Chlorpromazine (Thorazine®), Serum or Plasma
Chromium and Cobalt, WB (MoM)
Chromium, Plasma
Chromium, Urine
Ciprofloxacin, Serum or Plasma
Citalopram (Celexa)
Clobazam (ONFI)
Clomipramine (Anafranil®), Serum
Clonazepam (Klonopin )
Clorazepate (Tranxene®)
Clozapine, Serum or Plasma
Cobalt, Plasma
Cobalt, Urine
Cocaine and Metabolite Confirmation, Whole Blood
Cocaine Metabolite, Presumptive Drug Screen, Urine
Cocaine, Presumptive Drug Screen, Whole Blood
Coccidioides Ab, IgG by ELISA
Coccidioides Ab, IgM by ELISA
Codeine and Metabolite
Coma/Overdose Profile, Serum and Whole Blood
Common Alloy Elements Profile
Comprehensive Blood Drug Screen
Comprehensive Blood Scr w/GHB
Copper, Plasma and RBC
Copper, Random Urine
Copper, Serum/Plasma
Copper, Urine
Copper, WB
Cortisol, Urinary Free by HPLC
Cortisone, Urine
Cyanide (as Thiocyanate), Occupational Exposure, Urine
Cyanide, Occupational Exposure, Whole Blood
Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril)
Cyclosporine, Whole Blood
Cystine, Quant. 24 hr Urine
Desomorphine, Presumptive Drug Screen, Urine
Dexamethasone, Serum
Dextromethorphan (DM) and Metabolite, Quantitative, Urine
Diazepam, Serum or plasma
Digitoxin, Serum or Plasma
Digoxin, Free, Serum
Diltiazem(Cardizem,Dilacor) S
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
Diphenhydramine, Serum or Plasma
Disopyramide, Serum
Doxepin, Serum or Plasma
Drug Abuse Profile (Routine), Urine (7 Drugs)
Drug Analysis Profile, Comprehensive, Urine
Drug Presumptive Drug Screen (Five Drug Classes) With Oxycodone, Meconium
Drug Profile, Urine (9 Drugs)
Drug Screen (Blood or Serum)
Drug, Abuse, HHS/DOT-Bund
Duloxetine, Serum or Plasma
Ethanol, Whole Blood
Ethosuximide (Zarontin®), Serum or Plasma
Ethyl Benzene Metabolite Profile, Urine
Ethyl Glucuronide Presumptive Drug Screen, Urine
Ethyl Glucuronide, Presumptive Drug Screen
Ethylene Glycol, Serum
Ethylene Glycol, Urine
Felbamate (Felbatol®), Serum
Fentanyl and Analogues
Fentanyl and Metabolite
Fentanyl/Norfentanyl, Presumptive Drug Screen
Flecainide (Tambocor®), Serum
Fluconazole, Serum/Plasma
Flunitrazepam, Serum or Plasma
Fluoride, Serum
Fluoride, Urine
Fluoxetine, Serum or Plasma
Fluphenazine (Prolixin®), Serum
Flurazepam (Dalmane)
Fluvoxamine, Serum or Plasma
Free Phenytoin (Dilantin®), Serum
Furosemide (Lasix)
Furosemide (Lasix), Urine
Gabapentin, Urine
Gentamicin (Garamycin®), Serum,
Gentamicin (Garamycin®), Serum, Peak and Trough
Glipizide (Glucotrol)
Glyburide (Diabeta,Micronase)
Gold, Serum
Haloperidol (Haldol®), Serum
Heavy Metals Profile I, Blood
Heavy Metals Profile I, Urine
Heavy Metals Profile II, Blood
Heavy Metals Profile II, Urine
Heroin Metabolite (6-AM), Presumptive Drug Screen, Urine
Homovanillic Acid (HVA), 24-Hour Urine
Homovanillic Acid (HVA), Random Urine
Hydrocodone + Metabolites, U
Ibuprofen, Serum/Plasma
Infliximab Concentration and Anti-Infliximab Antibody
Infliximab+Ab (Serial Monitor)
Iodine, 24 Hr Urine
Iodine, Random Urine
Iodine, Serum or Plasma
Iodine, Urine w/Creat Ratio
Isoniazid (INH)
Itraconazole, Serum/Plasma
Ketoconazole, Serum/Plasma
Lamotrigine (Lamictal®), Serum
Lead and Protoporphyrin (FEP/ZPP), Blood (Pediatric)
Lead Standard Profile, Blood
Lead, Urine
Lead, Whole Blood (Adult)
Leflunomide Metabolite (ARAVA)
Levetiracetam (Keppra), Serum
Lidocaine (Xylocaine®), Serum
Lithium (Eskalith®), Serum
Lorazepam (Ativan), Screen and Confirmation
Loxapine and 8-Hydroxyloxapine, Serum or Plasma
LSD, Presumptive Drug Screen, Serum or Plasma
Magnesium, Blood
Magnesium, RBC
Magnesium, Urine
Manganese, Plasma
Manganese, Urine
MDMA, Presumptive Drug Screen, Urine
Meperidine (Demerol) Confrimation , Urine
Meperidine (Demerol®), Serum or Plasma
Meperidine, Serum or Plasma
Meperidine/Normep GC/MS Conf
Mephedrone, MDPV, and Methylone, Presumptive Drug Screen, Urine
Meprobamate Confirm, Urine
Mercaptopurine (6-MP,Purin.)
Mercury, Blood
Mercury, Serum/Plasma
Mercury, Urine
Mesoridazine (Serentil)
Metanephrines, Frac, PL. FREE
Metanephrines, Fractionated, Quantitative, 24-Hour
Metanephrines, Pheochromocytoma Evaluation
Methadone (GC/MS), Urine
Methadone Confirm, Oral Fluid
Methadone Confirmation, Urine
Methadone, Presumptive Drug Screen, Urine
Methadone, Serum or Plasma
Methanol, Whole Blood
Methaqualone (Quaalude)
Methotrexate (MTX), Serum
Methotrexate Polyglutamates
Methylmalonic Acid, Serum or Plasma
Methylmalonic Acid, Urine
Methylphenidate (Ritalin®), Serum
Metoprolol (Lopressor)
Mexiletine (Mexitil®), Serum
Mirtazapine (Remeron)
Mitotane (Lysodren)
Molybdenum, Blood
Morphine, Urine Quant
Mycophenolic Acid and Metabolite
Nickel, Plasma
Nickel, Urine
Nickel, Whole Blood
Nicotine/Cotinine, Presumptive Drug Screen, Urine
Norpropoxyphene Confirmation, Urine
Nortriptyline (Aventyl®), Serum
o,m,p Xylene as Methylhippuric
o,m,p-Xylene, Blood
Olanzapine (Zyprexa)
Opiate Confirmation, Urine
Opiate Presumptive Drug Screen, Urine
Organic Acid Analysis, Urine
Orotic Acid, Urine
Osmolality, Urine
Oxazepam, Serum or Plasma
Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal),Serum
Oxycodone and Metabolite
Oxycodone/Oxymorphone Presumptive Drug Screen, Urine
Oxycodone/Oxymorphone Urine Confirm
Paliperidone, Serum
Paroxetine (Paxil), Serum or Plasma
Pentazocine (Talwin) Confirm
Perphenazine (Trilafon)
Phencyclidine Presumptive Drug Screen, Urine
Phenobarbital (Luminal®), Serum
Phenol Exposure Profile, Urine
Phentermine, Serum, Plasma, or Whole Blood
Phenytoin (Dilantin®), Free and Total, Serum
Phosphatidylethanol (PEth)
Posaconazole, Serum/Plasma
Pregabalin , Urine Confirm
Primidone (Mysoline®), Serum
Procainamide (Pronestyl®), Serum
Propafenone (Rythmol)
Propoxyphene, Serum
Propoxyphene, Urine Confirm
Propranolol (Inderal)
Protoporphyrin, FEP/ZPP
Protriptyline (Vivactyl), Serum or Plasma
Quetiapine (Seroquel)
Quinidine, Serum
Rifampin (Rifadin)
Risperidone (Risperdal), Serum
Salicylate, Serum
Selenium, Blood
Selenium, Serum
Selenium, Urine
Sertraline and Metabolite, Urine
Silver, Whole Blood
Sirolimus (Rapamune), Blood
Solvent Inhalants Profile, Urine Metabolites
Strontium, Serum/Plasma
Styrene Metabolite Profile, Urine
Sulfonylurea Screen QT, Ur
Tapentadol Confirm, Urine
Temazepam, Serum or Plasma
Tetrachloroethylene, Blood
Thallium, Urine
THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), WB
Theophylline, Serum
Thiocyanate, Serum
Thiopurine Metabolites
Thioridazine and Mesoridazine, Serum or Plasma
Thiothixene (Navane)
Tiagabine (Gabitril)
Tobramycin (Nebcin®), Serum
Tobramycin (Nebcin®), Serum, Peak and Trough
Toluene Metabolite Profile, Urine
Toluene, Blood
Topiramate (Topamax®), Serum
Tramadol Screen, Presumptive Drug Screen, Urine
Trazodone (Desyrel®), Serum
Trichloroacetic Acid, Urine
Tricyclic Antidepressants Screen, Serum or Plasma
Uranium, Urine
Valproic Acid (Depakene®)
Valproic Acid (Total+Free)
Vancomycin (Vancocin®), Serum, Peak
Vancomycin (Vancocin®), Serum, Peak and Trough
Vanillylmandelic Acid (VMA), 24-Hour Urine
Vanillylmandelic Acid (VMA), Random Urine
Venlafaxine (Effexor)
Volatiles, Whole Blood
Voriconazole, Serum/Plasma
Warfarin (Coumadin®), Serum
Zinc Protoporphyrin (ZPP)
Zinc, Plasma/Serum
Zinc, Urine
Zinc, Whole Blood
Zolpidem (Ambien), Serum
Zolpidem, Serum or Plasma
Zonisamide(Zonegran), Serum
17-OH Pregnenolone
18-Hydroxycorticosterone, S
Acetylcholine Receptor (AChR) Antibodies, Serum
AChR Modulating Antibodies (RIA)
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH), Plasma
Adult Renin, Upright
Amenorrhea Profile
Androstanediol Glucuronide
Androstenedione, ACTH Stimul.
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) Profile
Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH), Serum
Bioavailable + Free Testost.
Bioavailable Testost. w/o SHBG
Ca+PTH Intact Plasma
Citric Acid/Creat Ratio, Rand
Corticosteroid Binding Globulin (CBG)
Cortisol, ACTH Stimulation
Cortisol, AM
Cortisol, AM & PM
Cortisol, Free Dialysis, LCMS
Cortisol, Free, Serum (Free Cortisol, Serum
Cortisol, Free, Urine
Cortisol, PM
Cortisol, Saliva
Cortisol, Serum
Cortisone, Serum
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
Desoxycorticosterone (DOC)
DHEA, Serum
Diabetes Autoimmune Profile
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
Estradiol, Free Serum
Estradiol, Sensitive
Estradiol, Serum, MS
Estriol, Serum
Estrogens Fractionated, Serum
Estrogens, Total
Estrogens, Total Serum
Estrone, Serum
Ferritin, Serum
Fibroblast Growth Factor 23
Folate (Folic Acid)
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Serum
Free Androgen Index (FAI)
Free T4 by Dialysis/Mass Spec
Free Thyroxine
Free Thyroxine + T4
FT3 Dialysis/Mass Spec
Glucagon, Plasma
Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD-65)
Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone
Growth Assessment Test Group V
Growth Hormone
Growth Hormone Antibodies
Growth Hormone Binding Protein (GHBP)
Growth Hormone, ICMA
Growth Hormone, Serum
Growth Receptor Test Group I
Hirsutism Profile
Hirsutism Test Group I
Hydroxycorticosterone, 18
Hydroxyprogesterone, 17a-,
IGF Binding Protein-1 (IGFBP-1)
IGF Binding Protein-2 (IGFBP-2)
IGF Binding Protein-3 (IGFBP-3)
IGF-1 with Z-Score
IGF-I Blocking
Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I)
Insulin-Like Growth Factor II (IGF-II)
IPTH, Parathyroid
Islet Cell Dysfunction Test Group
Islet Cell Dysfunction Test Group II
Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Serum
Mannose Binding Lectin (MBL)
Menopausal Test Group (Postmenopausal)
Parathyroid Hormone (PTH), Intact
Parathyroid Hormone, Intact (IPTH)
Premature Adrenarche Profile II
Proinsulin, Plasma
Prolactin Zone
Prolactin, Serum (ICMA)
Prostatic Acid Phosphatase (PAP), Serum
PTHrP (PTH-Related Peptide)
Renin Activity and Aldosterone
Renin Activity, Plasma
Renin, Plasma (Plasma Renin Activity)
Reverse T3, Serum
Salivary Cortisol X2, Timed
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), IRM
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, Serum
T3 Uptake
T3 Uptake, Serum
T4, TBG and T4-TBG Index
Testicular Function Group I
Testicular Function Profile I
Testicular Function Profile II
Testicular Function Profile III
Testosterone Free with SHBG
Testosterone, Bioavailable, with SHBG
Testosterone, F Eqlib+T LC/MS
Testosterone, Free (by Ultrafiltration) With Total,
Testosterone, Free (Direct), Serum
Testosterone, Free (Direct), Serum (With Total
Testosterone, Free and Weakly Bound
Testosterone, Free+Total LC/MS
Testosterone, Total
Testosterone, Total and Free Testosterone:
Testosterone, Total, LC/MS
Testosterone, Total, Serum
ThrombAssure EnhancedTM
ThrombAssure InheritedTM
Thyroglobulin & Thyroglobulin Antibodies
Thyroglobulin (TG-RIA)
Thyroglobulin (w/Anti-thyroglobulin screen
Thyroglobulin Antibodies (Anti-Tg)
Thyroglobulin Antibody
Thyroglobulin by IMA
Thyroglobulin by LCMS
Thyroglobulin by RIA
Thyroglobulin Reflex Profile
Thyroglobulin, LN
Thyroglobulin, Serum
Thyroid Antibodies
Thyroid Antithyroglobulin Antibody
Thyroid AutoAbs Test Group
Thyroid Cascade Profile
Thyroid Function, Adult Hyperthyroid/TSH
Thyroid Function, Adult Hypothyroid Test
Thyroid Function, Adult Special Thyroid
Thyroid Panel
Thyroid Panel With TSH
Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Antibodies
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (Anti-TPO)
Thyroid Profile II (Comprehensive)
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and Free T4
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH), Third Generation
Thyroxine (T4)
Thyroxine (T4) and Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH),
Thyroxine (T4) Free, Direct, Serum
Thyroxine (T-4), Automated Competitive
Thyroxine (T4), Thyroxine-Binding Globulin (TBG)
Thyroxine Binding Globulin (TBG)
Thyroxine, Free & Total
Thyroxine-Binding Globulin (TBG), Serum
Total and Free Progesterone
Total Glutathione
Tri-iodothyronine (T3)
Triiodothyronine (T-3) Competitive
Tri-iodothyronine (T3), Free, Serum
Triiodothyronine (Total/Free)
Triiodothyronine, Free Only
TSH Receptor Antibody (TRAb/TBII)
TSH Rfx on Abnormal to Free T4
Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide (VIP), Plasma
VEGF, Plasma
VEGF, Serum
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 and Folates
Vitamin B12 Unsaturated Binding Capacity
Vitamin B3 (Niacin+Metabolite)
Vitamin B5
Vitamin B7
Vitamin D 25-Hydroxy, D2 + D3
Vitamin D, 1,25 + 25-Hydroxy
Vitamin D, 1,25 Dihydroxy
Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy
ZNT8 Antibodies
CBC, No Differential/Platelet
CBC/D/Plt+Hgb PA
CBC/Diff Ambiguous Default
CBC/Differential (No Platelet)
CBC+Platelet+Hem Review
Cell Count, Body Fluid
Cell Count, Cerebrospinal Fluid
Cell Ct, Serous Fluid
Cell Ct, Synovial w/o Crystals
Cell Ct+Cryst+Mucin(Synovial)
CoaguChek XS/INR Waived
Complete Blood Count (CBC) With Differential
Complete Blood Count (CBC) Without Differential
Crystal Examination, Miscellaneous Fluid
Crystals, Bile (Cholesterol)
Differential and Total WBC Count
Eosinophil Count
Eosinophil Count, Nasal
Eosinophil, Urine or Stool
Hemoglobin (Hgb) Solubility
Hemoglobin (Hgb) Solubility With Reflex to Hemoglobin
Hemoglobin (Hgb), Free, Plasma
Hemoglobin, Free, Qualitative, Urine
Hemoglobinopathy Profile
Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase (LAP) Score
Mucin Clot Test
Parasite Examination, Blood
Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT), Activated
Platelet Count 9
Platelet Count on Citrated Bld
Prothrombin Time (PT)
Prothrombin Time (PT) and Partial Thromboplastin
Red Blood Cell (RBC) Count
Reticulocyte Count
Sedimentation Rate, Westergren Modified
WBC+Hematology Review
White Blood Cell (WBC) Count
Activated Protein C Resistance (APCR)
Antiphosphatidylserine IgG, IgM, IgA
Antiphospholipid Syndrome Comp
Antiphospholipid Syndrome Profile
Antithrombin Activity
Antithrombin III (Functional/Immunologic)
Antithrombin III Antigen (Immunologic)
Bleeding Diathesis
Bleeding with Normal aPTT/PT
D-Dimer (Latex)
Dilute Prothrombin Time
Dilute Russell’s Viper Venom
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) Profile
dRVVT Confirm
Extrinsic Factor Profile
Factor II Activity
Factor II, DNA Analysis
Factor IX Activity
Factor V Activity
Factor V Leiden Mutation
Factor VII Activity
Factor VIII Activity
Factor VIII Bethesda Titer
Factor VIII Inhibitor
Factor X Activity
Factor X, Chromogenic
Factor XI Activity
Factor XII Activity
Factor XIII Clot solubility(6).
Fibrinogen Antigen
Fibrinogen Degradation Products (FDP), Plasma
Fibrinogen Evaluation Panel
Fibrinogen, Quantitative
F-VIII INH, Comprehensive
Hemophilia A Monitoring Profile
Heparin Anti-Xa
Hexagonal Phase Phospholipid
Hypercoag Panel Consultative
Hypercoagulation Profile
Lupus Anticoagulant With Reflex
MMP-9 (Matrix metalloprot.-9)
Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT), Lupus Anticoagulant
Plasminogen Act Inhibitor-1
Plasminogen Activity
Platelet Antibody, Serum
Platelet Autoantibody Panel
Prolonged Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT)
Prolonged Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) Partial thrombin time (PTT).
Prolonged Prothrombin Time Profile
Prolonged Protime Profile
Protein C Antigen
Protein C Deficiency Profile
Protein C Functional W/Rflx
Protein C, Functional
Protein S Antigen
Protein S Deficiency Profile
Protein S Functional W/Rflx
Protein S, Free
Protein S, Functional
Protein S, Total
Prothrombin Time (PT) Mixing Study
PTT-LA Incub Mix
Reptilase Time
Thrombin Mixing Study
Thrombin Neutralization
Thrombin Time
Thrombosis Profile, Comprehensive
Thrombosis Profile, Comprehensive Plus
Thrombosis, Venous Congenital
Thrombosis, Venous Risk Compre
Thrombotic Risk Acquired Comp
Thrombotic Risk Assessment
Thrombotic Risk Evaluation
Thrombotic Risk Profile
Thrombotic Risk Profile I
Thrombotic Risk Profile, Comp .
Thrombotic Risk Profile, Congenital
Thrombotic Risk, Acquired
TPA Activity
Venous Thromb. Patients on VKA
Venous Thrombosis Profile
von Willebrand Factor (vWF) Activity
von Willebrand Factor (vWF) Antigen
Von Willebrand Factor Multi.
von Willebrand Factor Screen
von Willebrand Profile
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE), Amniotic Fluid With Reflex
Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP), Serum, Tumor Marker
ANA w/Reflex
Antibody Identification
Antibody Screen
Anticardiolipin Antibodies (ACA), IgA, IgG, IgM
Anticardiolipin Antibodies (ACA), IgA, Quantitative
Anticardiolipin Antibodies (ACA), IgG
Anticardiolipin Antibodies (ACA), IgG and IgM
Anticardiolipin Antibodies (ACA), IgM, Quantitative
Anti-Centromere B Antibodies
Anti-DNA (Single-Stranded) Antibodies, IgG,
Anti-DNase B (Streptococcal) Antibodies
Antigliadin Abs, IgA
Antigliadin Abs, IgG
Antigliadin IgG (native)
Antimyeloperoxidase (MPO) Antibodies
Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies (ANCA)
Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody (ANCA) Profile
Antipancreatic Islet Cells
Antiphosphatidylserine IgM
Antiproteinase 3 (PR3) Antibodies
Antiribosomal P Antibodies
Aspergillus Ab, Qn, DID
Aspergillus flavus Antibodies
Aspergillus Fumigatus #6 Gel
Aspergillus glaucus
Aspergillus nidulans
Aspergillus niger Antibodies
Autoimmune Profile
B Cell Panel (IgH, IgK)
B pertussis IgG/IgM Ab
Bartonella Antibody Panel
Beta-2 Glycoprotein I Ab, IgA
Beta-2 Glycoprotein I Ab, IgG
Beta-2 Glycoprotein I Ab, IgM
Beta-2 Glycoprotein I Ab,G/M
Beta-2 Glycoprotein I Antibodies, IgG, IgA, IgM
Blastomyces Antibodies, Quantitative
Bordetella pertussis IgA Antibodies
Bordetella pertussis IgG Antibodies
Bordetella pertussis IgM Antibodie
Brucella Abortus IGG, EIA
CA 15-3 (Serial Monitor)
California Encephalitis Virus Antibodies, IgG
California Encephalitis Virus Antibodies, IgM
Cancer Antigen (CA) 125, Serum
Cancer Antigen (CA) 15-3
Cancer Antigen (CA) 27.29
Candida Antibodies IgG
Candida Antibodies IgG,IgA,IgM
Candida Antigen/Antibody Panel
Carbohydrate Antigen (CA) 19-9
Celiac Disease Ab Screen w/Rfx
Celiac Disease Antibody Screen
Celiac Disease Complete Panel
Celiac Disease II
Celiac Disease Panel
Childhood Allergy Profile+IgE
Chromogranin A
Chromosome, AFP/AChE/HbF, Amn
Circ. Tumor Cells, Prostate
Coccidioides Antibodies, Quantitative, DID
Colorectal Cancer Monitor Profile
Complement C1 Esterase Inhibitor, Functional
Complement C1 Esterase Inhibitor, Serum
Complement C1q, Quantitative
Complement C2
Complement C3, Body Fluid
Complement C3, Serum
Complement C3a
Complement C4, Body Fluid
Complement C4, Serum
Complement C4a
Complement, Total (CH50)
Coombs’, Direct
Coxsackie A IgG Antibody
Coxsackie A IgG/IgM Antibody
Coxsackie A IgM Antibody
Dengue Fever Virus Antibodies, IgG and IgM
Dengue Fever Virus Antibody, IgG
Dengue Fever Virus Antibody, IgM
Diphtheria Antitoxoid Antibodies
Direct Platelet Antibody
Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus Antibodies, IgG
Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus Antibodies, IgM
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Antibodies to Early Antigen
Febrile Antibody Profile
Free and Total Insulin
Free K+L Lt Chains,Qn,24 hr U
Free K+L Lt Chains,Qn,U Serial
Free K+L Lt Chains,Qn,Ur
GAD-65 Autoantibody
Gliadin IgG and IgA Antibody Profile by EIA
Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD) Autoantibody
H. pylori, IgG Abs
H003-IgE Dust Mites Panel
hCG Ql w/reflex to hCG Qn
HCV Antibody
Helicobacter pylori, IgA
Helicobacter pylori, IgG
Helicobacter pylori, IgM Antibodies
Helicobacter pylori, IgM, IgG, IgA Antibodies
Hep A (Reflex to IgM)
Heparin-Induced Platelet Antibody
Hepatitis B Core Antibody, IgG/IgM
Hepatitis B Core Antibody, IgM
Hepatitis B Surface Antibody
Hepatitis Profile V (Hepatitis A Profile)
Hereditary Angioedema (HAE)
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Type II-Specific Antibodies,
Histamine Determination, Plasma
Histamine Determination, Urine
Histamine Determination, Whole Blood
Histoplasma Antibodies, Quantitative, DID
HIT with Reflex to SRA
HNK1 (CD57) Panel
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), Beta Subunit, Qual
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), Beta Subunit, Quant
Human Epididymis Protein 4
Human Herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6), IgG Antibodies
Hymenoptera Profile
Hymenoptera Profile 2
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Profile
IA2 Autoantibodies
IFE and PE, Serum
IFE Reflex, Random Urine
IFE, PE and FLC, Serum
IFE+Kappa/Lambda Qn Serum
IFE+PE,Serum with IFE Scan
IgA, Subclass 1
IgA, Subclasses (1-2)
IgE Egg White Component Prof
IgE Food Basic w/Component Rfx
IgE Food Prof w/Component Rflx
IgE Milk Component Profile
IgE Peanut Component Profile
IgE+Pediatric w/Component Rflx
IgG Index+Synthesis Rate CSF IgG, CSF
IgG, Subclass 1
IgG, Subclasses(1-4)
Immature Cells
ImmuKnow (R)
Immune Complexes Profile
Immune Complexes, C1q Binding
Immune Deficiency Profile VII
Immune Deficiency Profile VIII
Immunofixation (IFE) and Protein Electrophoresis
Immunofixation (IFE) and Protein Electrophoresis, 24-Hour Urine
Immunofixation (IFE) and Protein Electrophoresis, Urine
Immunofixation Reflex, Serum
Immunofixation, Urine
Immunoglobulin A, Qn, Serum
Immunoglobulin A, Quantitative, Cerebrospinal Fluid
Immunoglobulin D, Quantitative, Serum
Immunoglobulin E, Total
Immunoglobulin G Index CSF IgG, CSF
Immunoglobulin G, Quantitative, Cerebrospinal Fluid
Immunoglobulin G, Quantitative, Serum
Immunoglobulin G, Subclass 1
Immunoglobulin G, Subclass 2
Immunoglobulin G, Subclass 3
Immunoglobulin G, Subclass 4
Immunoglobulin G, Subclasses (1-4)
Immunoglobulin G,Syn Rate,CSF CSF IgG, CSF
Immunoglobulin M, Quantitative, Cerebrospinal Fluid
Immunoglobulin M, Quantitative, Serum
Immunoglobulins (Quantitative IgA, IgG, IgM), Serum
Immunoglobulins (Quantitative, IgA, IgE, IgG, IgM)
Immunoglobulins, IgG/A/M, CSF
Inhibin A, Ultrasensitive
Insulin Antibodies
Insulin Autoantibodies (IAA)
Interleukin-10, Serum
Interleukin-2 Soluble Receptor Alpha
Interleukin-2, Plasma
Interleukin-2, Serum
Intrinsic Factor Blocking Antibodies, Serum
Isocyanates Profile Thermo Fisher ImmunoCAP(R) 86003 (x3)
Isohemagglutinin Titer
L/S Ratio (TLC)
L/S Ratio+PG (TLC)
LBC+PG, Amniotic Fluid
Legionella pneumophila Abs.
Liver Cancer Monitor Profile
Liver-Kidney Microsomal (LKM) Antibodies
Lung, Adenocarcinoma Monitor Profile
Lung, Small Cell Cancer Monitor Profile
Lyme Disease by Western Blot, Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
Lyme Disease by Western Blot, Serum
Lyme Disease by Western Blot, Synovial Fluid
Lyme Disease, IgM, Early Test With Reflex
Lyme Disease, Total Antibody Test With Reflex
Lyme Disease/Syphilis Antibodies Differential Profile
Lyme, Western Blot, Serum
Melanoma Monitor Profile
Micropoly. faeni Abs
MS Profile+MBP, CSF
Multiple Sclerosis(MS) Profile
Mumps Antibodies, IgM
Myasthenia Gravis Evaluation Profile
Myasthenia Gravis Full Panel
Myasthenia Gravis Panel I
Myasthenia Gravis Panel III
Myasthenia Gravis Panel W/Rflx
Mycoplasma pneumoniae, IgG and IgM Antibodies
Mycoplasma pneumoniae, IgG Antibodies
Mycoplasma pneumoniae, IgM Antibodies
Natural Killer Cell Surface Antigen
Neuroblastoma Monitor Profile
Neuron-Specific Enolase (NSE), Serum (Serial Monitor)
Non celiac Gluten Sens Screen
Nuclear Ab Panel
Nuclear Matrix Protein (NMP) 22
Ovarian Cancer Monitor
Pancreatic Cancer Monitor Profile
Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) Plus Calcium
Parvovirus B19 (Human), IgG, IgM
Parvovirus B19, IgG Enzyme
Parvovirus B19, IgM
PE (Rfx IFE), Serum
PE+Interp(Rfx IFE),Serum
Peanut Component Allergy Profile
Penicillin Panel
Phosphatidylglycerol (PG) and Creatinine
Pigeon Serum Abs
Platelet Antibody Profile
Plt Antibody Comprehensive
Prenat Infect Dis Ab, IgG, Qn
Prenatal Profile I (With Hepatitis B Surface Antigen)
Prenatal Profile I (Without Hepatitis B Surface Antigen)
Prostate Cancer Profile II (Serial Monitor)
Prostate Specific Ag, Serum
Protein Elec + Interp, Serum
Protein Electro.,Serum
Protein Electrophoresis With Interpretation
Protein Electrophoresis With Interpretation, 24-Hour
Protein Electrophoresis, Random Urine With Reflex
Protein, Total, Cerebrospinal Fluid
RA Expanded Profile
RAST® Food Profile
Red Blood Cell (RBC) Antigen
Reticulin IgA Antibodies
Retinol Binding Protein(RBP)
Rheumatic Fever Profile
Rheumatoid Arthritis Profile
Rh-hr Genotype With ABO Grouping
Rubeola Antibodies, IgM
Smith Antibodies
Smith/RNP Antibodies
Soluble Liver Ag (IgG Ab)
St Louis Encephalitis Virus Antibodies, IgG
St Louis Encephalitis Virus Antibodies, IgM
Striational Antibodies
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Profile B
Testicular Cancer Monitor Profile
Tetanus Antibody Profile
Tetanus Antitoxoid Antibodies
Thermoa. vulgaris #1
Thermoactinomyces candidus Antibodies
Thermomonospora viridis Antibodies
Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Ab
Thyroid-Stimulating Immunoglobulin (TSI)
Thyrotropin Receptor Antibody, Serum
T-Lymphocyte Helper/Suppressor Profile
Uterine Cancer Monitor Profile
Western Equine Encephalitis Virus Antibodies, IgG
Western Equine Encephalitis Virus Antibodies, IgM
α-Fetoprotein (AFP), Amniotic Fluid
Actinomyces israelii
Anal PAP only
Anal PAP w High Risk HPV on any abnormal
Anal PAP w High Risk HPV on any result
Anal PAP w High Risk HPV on atypical only
Anal PAP w HR HPV on atypical and low grade only
Atopobium vaginae (Bact Vaginosis Indicator)
Bacterial Vaginosis Associated Bacteria 2 (BVAB2)
Bacteroides fragilis
Bone Biopsy
Candida albicans
Candida glabrata
Candida krusei
Candida parapsilosis
Candida tropicalis
Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia Trachomatis (CT) (Urine specimen only)
CT/NG Chlamydia Trach and N. Gonorrhoeae
Cytology – FNA Breast
Cytology – FNA Lymph Node
Cytology – FNA Other (Please Specify)
Cytology – FNA Salivary Gland
Cytology – FNA Thyroid
Cytology – Non Gynecologic
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Direct Immunofluorescence
DNA with PAP (High Risk HPV, women 30 and over)
DNAwPAP (HR HPV, wmn 30 and over) rfx 16/18
DNAwPAP with CT/NG rfx 16/18
Eggerthella-like bacteria
Flow Cytometry
Gardnerella vaginalis
Genital Ulcer Disease Pnl-HSV1, HSV2, T Pal, H Duc
Gynecologic Biopsy
Haemophilus ducreyi
Herpes subtype (HSV-1)
Herpes subtype (HSV-2)
High and Low Risk HPV Only
High Risk HPV Only
HPV Type Detect –
HSV 1 and 2
Kidney Stone Biopsy
Lactobacillus crispatus
Lactobacillus gasseri
Lactobacillus jensenii
Lactobacillus Panel
Leukorrhea Panel – CT / NG / TVaginalis
Low Risk HPV Only
Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV)
Megasphaera species Type 1
Megasphaera species Type 2
Megasphaera species Type 2
Mobiluncus curtisii
Mobiluncus mulieris
Mobiluncus Panel – M Mulierus / M Curtisii
Molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV)
Mycoplasma genitalium
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) (Urine specimen only)
NeoDiagnostix – Cervical DNA DTex Test
Non-Gyn – Nipple Discharge
PAP only
PAP with CT
PAP with CT/NG and High and Low Risk HPV on any result
PAP with CT/NG and High and Low Risk HPV on ASCUS or LSIL
PAP with CT/NG and HR and LR HPV on any abnormal
PAP with CT/NG and HR and LR HPV reflex on ASCUS only
PAP with CT/NG and HR HPV on any abnormal
PAP with CT/NG and HR HPV on ASCUS or LSIL
PAP with CT/NG and HR HPV on any result
PAP with CT/NG and HR HPV reflex on ASCUS only
PAP with CT/NG and HR HPV rfx on any result rfx 16/18
PAP with CT/NG and HR HPV rfx on ASCUS only rfx 16/18
PAP with CT/NG HRHPV rfx on Neg or ASC wmn 30 or over
PAP with CT/NG w HR HPV rfx on any abnormal rfx 16/18
PAP with High and Low Risk HPV on any abnormal
PAP with High and Low Risk HPV on any result
PAP with High and Low Risk HPV on ASCUS or LSIL
PAP with High and Low Risk HPV reflex on ASCUS only
PAP with High Risk HPV on any abnormal
PAP with High Risk HPV on any result
PAP with High Risk HPV on ASCUS or LSIL
PAP with High Risk HPV reflex on ASCUS only
Pap with HR HPV rfx 16/18 if Pap Neg, HPV Pos
PAP with HR HPV rfx on any abnormal rfx 16/18
PAP with HR HPV rfx on ASCUS only rfx 16/18
PAP with HR HPV rfx on ASCUS or LSIL rfx 16/18
PAP with HR HPV rfx on Neg or ASCUS (wmn 30 and over)
PAP with NG
PAP w/ rfx HR HPV on ASCUS/ATC-H rfx 16/18
PAP w/ rfx HR HPV on Neg, ASCUS, and LGSIL
PAP w/ rfx HRHPV on NEG, ASCUS, and LGSIL rfx 16/18
PAP with CT/NG
PAP with CT/NG and HRHPV rfx on ASCUS or LSIL rfx 16/18
PAP with CT/NG HRHPVrfx onNEGorASC wmn30orOver rfx16/18
PAP with HRHPVrfx on NEGorASCUS wmn30 and over rfx16/18
Peripheral Smear
Pregnancy Panel; CTNG,Urea,MHom/Gen,TVag,GVag,Atop,MMul/Cur
Technical Component only
Tissue Pathology
Treponema pallidum
Trichomonas vaginalis
Ureaplasma urealyticum
Ureaplasma urealyticum (Urine specimen only)
Urethritis Panel – CT, NG, Tvag , Urea
Urine Cytology
Vag Group B Strep (GBS) (Use GBS Swab Only)
Vag Group B Strep(GBS) AntibioticSuscep(GBS Swab
Vaginitis Panel; CAlb, TVag, GVag
Varicella Zoster Virus
Acid Fast Smear
Acid Fast Smear+Culture
Acid Fast Smear+Culture W/Rflx
Acid-Fast (Mycobacteria)
Acid-fast (Mycobacteria) Antibiotic Susceptibilities
Aerobe ID + Suscept
Aerobic Bacteria, ID by Seq.
Aerobic Bacterial Culture
Aerobic Bacterial Culture, General
Aerobic Culture + Gram Stain
AFB ID+Susceptibilities
Anaerobe ID/Suscept
Anaerobic and Aerobic Culture
Anaerobic and Aerobic Culture and Gram Stain
Anaerobic and Aerobic Culture and Gram’s Stain
Anaerobic Cult, Extended Incub
Anaerobic Culture
Antifungal Susc , Anidulafungin
Antifungal Suscep 8 Drugs
Antifungal Suscep, Micafungin
Antifungal Suscep,Amphotericin
Antifungal Suscep,Itraconazole
Antifungal Suscep,Ketoconazole
Antifungal Suscep,Posaconazole
Antifungal Suscep,Voriconazole
Aspergillus Ag, BAL/Serum
Bacterial Antigens (Serum, Urine, Cerebrospinal Fluid)
Bacterial Stool Pathogens (Salmonella sp, Shigella sp, Campylobacter sp, E coli [STEC])
Bacterial Vaginosis (Sialidase), Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Trichomonas vaginali
Bacterial vaginosis, NAA
Beta Strep (Group B) Antigen
Beta Strep Gp A Culture
Beta-Hemolytic Streptococcus Culture, Group A Only,
Blood Culture, Routine
Body Fluid Culture, Sterile, Routine
Bordetella pertussis Antibodies, IgA, IgG, IgM
Bordetella pertussis, Nasopharyngeal Culture
C difficile Toxigenic Culture
C difficile Toxins A+B, EIA
Candida Antigen
Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae Rectal Screen
Chlamydia Panel Serum
Chlamydia psittaci Culture
Chlamydia trachomatis Culture
Chlamydia/GC Amplification
Clostridium difficile Toxin B Cytotoxin Assay
Clostridium difficile Toxin B Cytotoxin Assay
Clostridium difficile toxin gene
Clostridium difficile Toxin Gene, NAA
cobas HPV, Rectal
Cryptococcus Antigen
Cryptococcus Antigen, CSF
Cryptococcus Antigen, Serum
Cryptosporidium, Direct Detection EIA
Cyclospora Smear, Stool
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Lower Respiratory Culture
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Culture
Dermatophyte Culture
E coli Shiga Toxin
Fluoroquinolone Resist GNR Cul
Foscarnet Resistance HSV (Phenotype)
Fungus (Mycology) Culture
Fungus Culture W/Rfx Rapid ID
Fungus Culture With Stain
Fungus Stain
GC (Neisseria gonorrhoeae) Culture Only
Genital Culture, Routine
Genital Mycoplasmas, NAA
Giardia lamblia by EIA and Ova and Parasites
Giardia lamblia, Direct Detection by EIA
Gram Stain
Gram Stain w/Sputum Cult Rflx
Gram Stain/Body Fluid Culture
Gram’s Stain
H. pylori Breath Test
H. pylori Stool Ag
Haemophilus influenzae B Antigen
Helicobacter pylori Culture
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Culture and Typing
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Culture Without Typing
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Types 1 / 2, DNA PCR
Histoplasma Gal’mannan Ag Ur
HPV Genotypes 16/18,45
HPV Hybrid Capture
HPV, Aptima High 16/18,45
HPV, cobas high-risk/16/18
HPV, low volume rfx
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Genotypes 16 and 18,45
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) High- and Low-risk DNA Detection
Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Biopsy in situ Hybridization Low- and High-risk Subtypes
Influenza A and B, Real-time RT-PCR
Influenza A and B, Real-time RT-PCR
Influenza A, H1N1, RT PCR
Legionella Culture and Legionella pneumophila by DFA
Legionella pneumophila by DFA
Legionella pneumophila Urinary Antigen
Legionella Species Culture
Lower Respiratory Culture
M genitalium NAA, Swab
M genitalium NAA, Urine
M. marinum Susceptibility
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Colonization Screening Culture
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC), 1 Drug
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC), 2 Drugs
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC), 3 Drugs
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC), More Than 3
MRSA Screening Culture
Mtb NAA+AFB Smear/Cult/ID
Mtb NAA+AFB Smear/Cult/ID/AST
Mtb Susceptibility Broth
Mumps Viral Culture
Mycobacteria, ID by Seq.
Mycobacterium avium Complex Susceptibility−Broth Dilution
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Rifampin Resistance (MTB-RIF) NAA with AFB Culture
Mycoplasma pneumoniae (Respiratory) Culture
N. meningitidis Ag.
Nocardia Susceptibility Broth
Nocardia, ID by Sequencing
Occult Blood, Fecal,
Org ID by Sequencing Rflx AST
Organism Identification
Organism Identification, Anaerobic Bacteria
Organism Identification, Bacteria
Organism Identification, Mold
Organism Identification, Mycobacteria
Organism Identification, Unspecified Group, by Sequence Analysis
Organism Identification, Yeast
Ova + Parasite Exam, Urine
Ova and Parasites Examination
Pap IG, Ct, rfx HPV all pth
Pap IG, Ct-Ng
Pap IG, Ct-Ng TV
Pap IG, Ct-Ng TV HPV 16&18
Pap IG, Ct-Ng TV HSV 1/2 PCR
Pap IG, Ct-Ng TV HSV HPV 16/18
Pap IG, Ct-Ng TV rfx HPV all
Pap IG, Ct-Ng TV rfx HPV ASCU
Pap IG, Ct-Ng, HPV 16&18
Pap IG, Ct-Ng, HPV-hr
Pap IG, Ct-Ng, rfx HPV all
Pap IG, Ct-Ng, rfx HPV ASCU
Pap Lb, Ct-Ng
Pap Lb, Ct-Ng TV HPV-hr
Pap Lb, Ct-Ng, HPV-hr
Pap Lb, Ct-Ng, rfx HPV all
Pap Lb, Ct-Ng, rfx HPV ASCU
Pap Lb, HPV-h+lr
PapIG, CtNgTVHSV, rfxHPVal
Parasite Identification, Worm
Pinworm Preparation
Pneumocystis Smear
QuantiFERON®-TB Gold Plus
QuantiFERON®-TB Gold Plus (Client Incubated)
Rapid Grower Broth Suscep.
Reference Bacterial Culture Identification
Salmonella/Shigella Screen
Stool Culture
Stool Culture, Campylobacter sp Only
Stool Culture, Vibrio Only
Stool Culture, Yersinia Only
Strep Gp A Direct, DNA Probe
Strep Gp B Culture+Rflx
Strep Group B Culture
Streptococcus pneumoniae Antigen
Tissue Grinding Anaerobic and Aerobic Culture
Upper Respiratory Culture
Upper Respiratory Culture, Routine
Ureaplasma/Mycoplasma hominis Culture
Urine Culture, Comprehensive
Urine Culture, Routine
Vaginal Yeast Culture
Vaginitis/Vaginosis, DNA Probe
Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus (VRE) Culture Only
Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) Culture
Viral Cul, Rapid Flu Rfx H1N1
Viral Cult, Rapid, Respiratory
Viral Culture, General
Viral Culture, Rapid, Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Viral Culture, Rapid, Influenza A and Influenza B
Viral Culture, Rapid, Lesion
Virus Culture, Rapid, Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV)
Wet Prep
Wet Prep w/ Trich Cult Reflex
Wet Prep With Reflex to Trichomonas Culture
White Blood Cells (WBC), Stool
Yeast Only, Culture